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Session Format Details

  • Half-day (3 hours) and Full-day (6 hours) Pre-Conference Workshops take place on Wednesday, November 27 and cover specific learning goals and outcomes for attendees. They have a detailed agenda and take a hands-on approach to explore practical solutions, develop practical skills and receive in-depth insights. Prior registration is required and the workshops may be fee-based. The OEB team will discuss the organisation of these events in detail with facilitator(s).
  • A Boardroom Dialogue is a 60 minutes networking event centred around a specific theme or community that encourages attendees to connect around shared interests. It is led by a single facilitator who presents his/her insights (max. 10 minutes) and prepares a short agenda with discussion points. The facilitator guides a conversation on the topic, facilitates networking and brings focus to the discussion, so that everyone attending can learn from each other as a group and build connections.
  • The Discovery Demo space is a 90-minutes "show & tell" session where the audience from all sectors will be able to come in and go around a room where developers and creators demonstrate projects, programmes, activities, free tools, solutions, next generation materials and pre-release products with laptops at standing bistro tables. It gives participants a chance to interact on an informal one-to-one basis (no slides), discover more about your work and how it can be applied in their context. Feedback and insights from colleagues on the innovative developments presented are especially encouraged.
  • Learning Cafés are designed for concurrent small group discussions of specialised topics, with the facilitator/moderator leading the discussion. This participatory format allows for a highly interactive session lasting between 60-90 minutes with concurrent group discussions happening in a large open room with round tables.
  • A How To session of either 60 or 90 minutes takes a hands-on approach and offers peer-learning activities, exercises, and strategies you can take back and implement in your working environments.
  • A Presentation Panel is a curated session of 45, 60 or 90 minutes chaired by a moderator where short presentations of 10 to 15 minutes (by single speakers) are grouped to discuss an overarching pertinent issue or topic, after which time is dedicated for a lively and informative Q&A between the panel and participants attending. The focus of these sessions is on sharing information and the moderator will identify and support opportunities for this, as well as for engagement and interaction.
  • Panel Discussions are four- to five-person panels that focus on vibrant topics of current concern and professional interest. They are a chance to compare experts’ disciplinary expertise quickly with an active, participating audience. Submissions for a Panel Discussion require a designated moderator to organise and facilitate the interchange between the panel and the audience. Submissions for Panel Discussions should identify panel members and the expertise each member contributes to the session (panel proposals need to include actual panellists’ names instead of placeholders). This format will be scheduled as one 60/90-minute session.
  • Free Exhibition Seminars and Networking Side Events: Exhibitors will be able upgrade their presence with a Seminar Package which includes a 30-minute speaking slot in a dedicated room for these Seminars. Content may be proposed after a conversation with the OEB team.