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Panel Presentation SKL240

Global Trends, National Insights and Local Cases: Education for Industry 4.0

Date Friday, Nov 29  Time   –    Room Tiergarten

National curricula all around the world have changed dramatically. Cases presented here will show how we are moving from an abstract skills gap discussion to implementing new educational initiatives which meet industry-specific competence levels. So join us to hear how, for all learners and all around the world, new frameworks and new curricula are designed successfully!

OEB speaker Tarkan Gürbüz

Tarkan Gürbüz

Instructor, Middle East Technical University (METU), Turkey

Building a Winning Workforce for the Digital Future: Experiences from Turkish Organisations

OEB speaker Alexander Zumdieck

Alexander Zumdieck

Deutscher Bundestag, Future of Work at the Unionsfraktion, Germany

How to Organise Continuing Education for a Whole Country?

OEB speaker Christina Soegaard Jensen

Christina Soegaard Jensen

Lecturer, Business Academy Aarhus, Denmark

Closing the Skills Gap of Data Literacy: Including STEM in Non-STEM Education

OEB speaker Kirill Barannikov

Kirill Barannikov

Head, Moscow City University, Russia

National Curricula and Competencies in School Education: Russia Case and World Trends


OEB speaker Gila Kurz

Gila Kurz

Head of M.A. Program, Holon Institute of Technology (HIT), Israel